Car insurance is something that all drivers in Indiana must have before they are allowed to drive. If you live in Indiana, you know that you are going to be paying a premium for car insurance each and every year. In this article I will discuss why you should have car insurance and how to get a cheaper quote.

Like most states in the United States of America, Indiana requires that every driver to have some form of liability coverage. The minimum amount of coverage that is required is the liability policy which is in turn backed up by personal injury protection which is also known as no-fault insurance. The state of Indiana requires that you have at least bodily injury and property damage liability insurance. The minimum amount of coverage that is required for a person who is twenty-one years old or older is just fifty dollars. This means that a person who is twenty-one years old and lives in Indiana should have no-fault insurance coverage.

Liability is not enough insurance for an Indiana driver. You must also be sure that you have coverage for property damage and bodily injury as well. The minimum amounts of coverage are: bodily injury/property damage -$500; bodily injury -$1000; property damage -$500; and liability -$200. If you cause an accident where another person is injured, you will have to pay out of your own pocket for their medical bills without help from insurance. However if you caused the accident and didn't have coverage then you could be sued for medical bills and pain and suffering if you suffered needlessly.

Bodily injury and property damage coverage are required by law in Indiana and you must have them in addition to the other types of insurance mentioned above. The minimum amount of bodily injury and property damage that you must have is: bodily injury - $25,000 per accident; property damage - $5,000 per accident; and liability - $200 per accident. These figures are for per accident only. You can get much more information about auto insurance rates, such as the factors that affect your rate, by contacting an auto insurance agent in Indiana.

Another factor that can affect your car insurance rates is your credit tier. The lower your credit tier is the higher your rates will be. Most people want to start off with good credit and work their way up to better rates. Unfortunately it isn't always that simple. There are two different classes of credit in Indiana. There are also two different kinds of driver in Indiana: drivers with a good driving history and drivers without a good driving history.

When requesting car insurance quotes in Indiana, you will need to enter your information. For example, you will need to indicate whether or not you are searching for coverage based on no-fault insurance or collision insurances. You will also need to enter your zip codes. Indiana no-fault insurance companies do require that you enter your zip codes before quoting you a price.

One of the most important factors that determine your car insurance rates is your age and sex. The younger you are when you obtain coverage the more likely you are to get a cheaper rate. Also, males usually pay more than females for auto insurance in Indiana. However, if you have a good driving record and no serious personal injury accidents then female auto insurance may be a better option for you.

Other things that affect your policy rates include the type of vehicle you are insuring. Smaller vehicles are generally cheaper to insure than bigger automobiles. Additionally, older vehicles cost less to repair than newer ones. Some auto insurance carriers in Indiana also charge a gap insurance premium on a bodily injury or property damage only policy which allows them to insure the cost of a single incident against any other incidents that could occur in the future.

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