American Freedom Insurance Company was founded by Frank Shankwitz in 1972. Frank was a young salesman in New Jersey when he decided to start his own insurance agency. He wanted to provide insurance to Americans of all walks of life. Today American Freedom insurance is still dedicated to helping those in need with insurance needs.

American Freedom Insurance Company offers a variety of policies including automobile insurance, home owners property insurance, renters and condo insurance, and health insurance for individuals. In addition to these options they have a claim adjudication department that helps individuals settle their civil claims. Frank did not just open the doors for independent agents; he also made sure that all of his agents were bonded and insured by AM Best. AM Best is the largest life insurance company in the world. Frank thought it would be an honor to be associated with such a great company and he ended up being one of the best selling agents ever.

Frank was born in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated from DeWitt High School. He worked his way through college and became an insurance salesman for United States Life, Casualty Insurance, and Guaranty Mortgage in New Jersey. He started his career in insurance by specializing in property insurance and became a supervisor for the insurance division. He went on to become the president of United States Life and Casualty Insurance Company. Frank served as the company's CEO for over twenty five years.

Frank began American Freedom Insurance because he felt it was his duty to help the under-insured citizens of America. He felt it was unfair that these people had to pay too much in insurance premiums because of the policies of United States Life and Casualty Insurance Company. He felt that the insurance industry needed to develop better policies that offered better benefits in order to protect the American people. He believed in free-market capitalism and believed that these ideas would benefit all Americans. His belief in freedom and the freedom of enterprise eventually paid off when American Freedom Insurance was formed.

Many of the agents for American Freedom Insurance are remembered as great figures in the annals of insurance. Frank Burns served as the company's first general manager. He was also a member of the American Society of Life Insurance Agents. Harvey Calvert was also an extremely successful agent and became the company's second general manager. Harvey died in his sleep on March 7, 1974 at the age of 65.

Harry Wentworth was another agent that helped create the foundation of American freedom insurance. Harry was also a member of the American Society of Life Insurance Agents and was a trusted advisor to the company's president. Many of the principles that were taught to Harry by his mentor, Harvey Calvert, remain to this day. Harry was a respected leader and often spoke about how people could make money in the insurance business if they knew what they were doing.

When the first Freedom Insurance policies were put into place, many people did not believe that they could save money by buying them. Freedom offered many different policies and with it came many different payment options. This made paying monthly more feasible for many consumers. The Freedom Insurance policies were eventually sold to private citizens and there began what is now known as premium pricing. Premium pricing is the way that the insurance company charges to their clients based on their risk level. There are many factors that go into the determination of a client's premium and they include, but are not limited to, age, medical history, gender, occupation, driving record, and more.

Today's health insurance market is more complicated than ever. Due to the high number of different policies and the rising cost of health care for many consumers are opting for more comprehensive coverage. This has created a much more competitive environment in the life insurance industry. Because of this, many companies have responded by providing additional choices to their policy holders. When looking for a life insurance quote, you should always look for an American freedom insurance quote in order to get the best rate possible.

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